Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 16

I have had better weeks but all in all it has been great. I have been having really bad headaches however I have found that a little bit of caffeine has been my medicine since Tylenol does not help at all. I haven't ruled out if it is the crazy GA weather or if it is pregnancy. :)

Another symptom I have noticed this week is at night time my hands fall asleep every night. I read about it and it is very common in the 2nd trimester I just dont know why.

Other then that things are great. We go to see the Doctor on Thursday, January 28th for our 16th week checkup.

This week are baby is 4 1/2 inches long and it is the size of an avocado. I am told to be ready for a growth spurt. Within the next few week the baby will double in size. Get ready for the big belly :)

Here are some belly pictures from week 8 and week 14. I cannot believe the difference and how much bigger I looked in week 8. Must be all the bloating :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 15

Not a whole lot new this week. Although I did wake up one morning and the baby bump seemed to have grown :)

This week the baby is the size of an Apple. (Whew it is getting big)

There seems to be times when I think I can feel the baby moving but I think it is in my head :)

This week the baby measures 4 inches long and is about 2 1/2 ounces. The legs are longer then the arms now and it is kicking and throwing its arms around all over the place.

I have found a new game that I love on the Wii "Just Dance" whew what a great workout. Not sure how much the baby likes me dancing though. HAHA

See you in week 16.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 14

Here we are at week 14. My clothes are no longer fitting at all but I am still continuing to feel amazing!!

We are well into the second trimester now and this week our baby is about the size of a lemon. From head to bottom it measures about 3 1/2 inches.

This weeks big developments is that the baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck their thumb.

I will make Jon take a picture of me this week and post so you can see my baby bump :)

See you all soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Week 13

Where has three months gone?

1st trimester done and we are on our way to number 2.

As the weeks pass they are getting more exciting. Our Dr appt went wonderful last week. Everything was perfect. As I got my exam, the Dr. tried to find the heart beat with a hand held Doppler. (I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound this week since we already had confirmation of a baby.) However...... she could not find a heartbeat. (She had warned me that it was a 50% - 50% chance so not to get too nerveous.) Since she couldn't find a heartbeat, we were able to get an unexpected ultrasound. (Which I was so excited because my mom was with us and I wanted her to see so badly) So, in the room we went for an ultrasound to find out that our little jelly bean was a jumping bean. The baby was moving so much and wouldn't keep still. It was so AMAZING to see the little arms and legs moving all over the place. The heartbeat was at 146 and everything was great.

So here we are at week 13. Fingerprints have been formed on the little baby's fingertips. The baby is almost 3 inches long and about the size of a medium shrimp. (No fruit object this week hopefully it will be back next, HAHA)

Until then hope everyone has a great week!!!!